Thursday, May 1, 2008


While some relish at the opportunity to cash on a Banksy piece done up on their property, others are frankly not buying into the hype. Case in point, as a New York shop owner painted over an entire wall that was filled with graffiti. Albeit, the Banksy piece seen on his wall was sharing a spot with a few other artists, at the rate various Banksy pieces have been going on the market there's a lot you could do with a piece from the famous street artist.
Love or hate all the talk about Banksy but its not very often you hear news of his work on the streets being cleaned up.

Made more fascinating when owners of certain walls Banksy has hit are selling for a dime or two the owner of this wall has just wiped the work away for good Note that his stuff is normally sold for crazy $$$$$$$. A complete wall designed by Banksy has just been sold on Ebay at more than 208,000 pounds!!!!!!

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