Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Arrival: Projects' Form of Chastity.

Definition of the word chastity: abstention from all sexual intercourse

Definition of Dolce Vita's Chastity: boots that will get you a boyfriend, mate, one night stand, whatever you prefer.

Sexual encounters may occur sometime after meeting someone wearing these boots.

Boots on during.... optional.

Dolce Vita Chastity Boots $162

Available now at Project 159 and Project 234.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Girl with the Bright Blue Headphones.

Funky, big, bold headphones are our latest obsession. Wesc should be the right brand to help us with this and cover up our naked ears for the winter.

The color and style selections makes the decision harder, but I'm quite sure whatever you choose will make a better statement than a pair of earmuffs.

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend!

Pink, sleek and sexy, her name is "Diamond." A turntable designed specially for the ladies, an innovative new product from Scheu Analogue

This elegant turntable is a design masterpiece, with a pure silhouette and excellent sound quality. The design combines a curvy form and frosty record holder in a very non-traditional turntable.

While the main model comes in a very feminine pink, it is also available in black and wood grain for the not-so-girly type. This should be on your Christmas list.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jae Basilio Keeping Us Warm!


These are some new, beautiful pieces from Jae Basilio that will not break the budget. 100% cashmere sweaters for $178, lightweight wool blends for $123 and several colors to chose from. Here are some of the styles we have in the Project Stores now.



Project 159
159 7th Ave South

Project 234
234 Mulberry St

Gift Ideas: Voluspa.

Less than 2 weeks until Thanksgiving. Some of us will be slaving in the kitchen to make the perfect meal for family and friends, while others will be visiting
friends and family and chowing down the good food. Don't forget to show your appreciation.

Voluspa candles are perfect "thank you" gift. With different sizes, fragrances, and prices ranging from $8.00 to $44.00, there is something for everyone. Plus, the beautiful boxes and tins Voluspa comes in, you don't have to wrap anything, giving you more time to eat.




Project 159
159 7th Ave South

Project 234
233 Mulberry St
212.334. 6431

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Arrivals: Report Signature

Report Signature $189

When its comes to sexy, affordable and chic, no one does it better for the feet than Report Signature.
The Project Stores have just received their first Fall '08 shoes from Report. Come and get your pair before they're gone.

Two are Better than One.

Ali Ro is known for their chic dresses that flatter the body, while Shoes For Lovely People make the most comfortable heels out there. It's only right that we bring them together to make your fashion life easier.

Project 159
159 7th Ave South

Project 234
234 Mulberry St

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Victory Sale You Deserve!

This has been the toughest election ever. Now we are part of history, let's celebrate the only way we know how.

Victory Sale!
25% Off Everything!
Wednesday thru Friday!

So let's start looking good for our new President now.

Project 159
159 7th Ave South

Project 234
234 Mulberry St