Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All of this just for $20.

What the low-end chef made.Harry Hawk of Harry’s at Water Taxi Beach
Total cost: $13.78

During the summer months in NYC, everyone is out enjoying the sun and no one wants to stay home to cook, making eating out an expensive habit. Thank goodness for the annual Cheat Eats issue from New York Magazine, on newsstands now.

One particular article caught my attention:" Three Course Meals for $20 or Less". NY Mag asked two very different chefs to create a three course meal for two, using the same $20 budget. Let the food wars begin!

What the high-end chef made.Chef Olivier Muller of DB Bistro Moderne
Total cost: $17.74

To find out what restaurant critic, Adam Platt, thought about the chefs' creations click HERE

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